I Need a Break

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger. – Proverbs 15:1

For the next 40 days, maybe more, I will not be on social media, so any of you who are, please don’t take my lack of response personally. I am simply tired of seeing so much anger – anger that steals joy, weakens immune systems, alienates friends, starts feuds and wars, breaks up marriages, damages mental health, and in other ways is counterproductive.

Please don’t think I’m sticking my head in the sand. (That posture leaves other parts of the anatomy in a vulnerable position.) I do realize that there are horrible things going on in the world, and no, I am not ignoring them or saying they aren’t important. Many horrendous things I can do nothing about So why wreck my health and add to the burden?

However, there are other things that I can and should do something about, I just don’t think that “something” is to rant about it on social media. When I see these rants, I am tempted to either (1.) join in the rant and escalate the anger, or (2.) argue and escalate the anger. It’s a lose-lose situation.

If I see racism, rather than posting a self-righteous rant on social media, I should volunteer in an organization that helps people of color better their lives. This may take the form of health care services, tutoring kids, or starting a sports team, crafts class, or drama troupe to channel energy in positive and productive ways. At the very least, I could invite a friend of a different race to have coffee with me and share our thoughts for a couple of hours.

Instead of railing about the lack of respect for women, I should go and do something respectable.

Instead of blasting the politicians I don’t like in a tweet, I should find one that’s doing something good and tell people about that person in private conversations when everyone is calm and open. I should contact that person, saying that I am supportive and praying for him/her. (Being a politician can be lonely.)

Granted, these kinds of approaches don’t grab the widespread audience a Facebook rant might get, but in the long run, I do think they bring us closer to a solution, instead of throwing gasoline on the fire. I have never seen anyone have a change of heart because of a clever attack, name-calling, or emotionally charged accusations.

As always, I will respond to emails, texts messages, and comments on my blog posts. But please, be nice.

Prayer: Father, You have always been gracious to us, not treating us as our sins deserve. As Your people, help us to treat others not only in the way we want to be treated, but in the way we have been treated. You have reached out to us in love, how can we not do the same for one another? Give us gracious, patient, and understanding hearts, in the name of Your Son Jesus, the personification of grace. Amen.

66 thoughts on “I Need a Break

    1. I don’t know about “restful,” David, but it has been very pleasant. For example, I ended up on my front porch last night getting to know two young ladies from my church that up until then I had only seen from across the sanctuary. We were telling stories, singing songs, and even prayed together before they left. Priceless! ❤

      Liked by 4 people

  1. Wow Annie, I was just thinking of doing the same. My FB pages, both personal and ministry, have been choked down, shadow banned and outright censored. I am afraid to say what I really think or I will be either kicks off or attacked, and it stresses me to no end. I love keeping up with family and friends. But is it worth the frustration and manipulation? There’s a lot to be said for reality, with no virtual, I miss it. I love this platform, writers respect one another. ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. My sentiments exactly, Dan. Respect – what a concept! Reality without the virtual is so much better, but it seems some people got so used to the virtual during the lockdowns that they’re more comfortable zooming, etc. While people like you and me couldn’t wait to get back to in-person human contact. Have a great weekend with family and friends. 🙂

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  2. I’m not sure why it seems important to get in the social media ring daily and throw a few punches into the air. It’s a big decoy. I only get word press now. Facebook hasn’t missed me the last two years. It’s mutual. I have always related to the book Title “Stop The World, I Want To Get Off” published back in the 70’s. It’s not the final answer but having a cup of coffee with my neighbor is getting me closer.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. Ann, What you wrote is one of many reasons I don’t have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… account. However, I have found the blogosphere a good place to give and get encouragement as well as exchange ideas. I’m glad you’ll still be involved in that way.

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    1. Yes, Keith, it feels like this is “social media,” too, but on a higher level. What people write (blog) is usually thoughtful, and comments are constructive and rarely argumentative or snide remarks. I do prefer a more civilized forum. 😉

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      1. Yeah, I guess blogging is a form of social media, but most people understand that if they’re overly argumentative, their comments will likely be deleted and that they will likely be blocked. In fact, it was because of someone like that that you and I “met” last year.

        Enjoy your break, Sister Ann!

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  4. Ann, I usually don’t engage on Facebook and find that I have keep away from it all for my own well being , so I can understand how you feel and the need to stay away from it all. I really like what you wrote about doing something about things that bother you rather than just engaging with the rhetoric online. I feel that posting or taking part in the conversation on social media gives a false sense of being proactive about something when actually most of the time it does not make any difference.

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  5. What a bold decision!
    Hope you will be here on blog .
    Enjoy the rest, as for me there are social media platforms I failed to stomach too.
    I love blogging and interacting with people like you…Malachi 3:16

    Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.

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    1. Wow, great minds think alike, huh Deborah? 😉 Or rather, when the Lord speaks, multiple people hear.
      The last time I took 40 days off social media, I got more done on the book I was writing than I had for the previous YEAR. (Of course, that was B. B. (“Before Blogging”)

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      1. Annie, I like that, “when the Lord speaks, multiple minds hear.” 🙂 And if we listen, then He connects us! A few of my closest blogging friends moved off the platform and I really missed them. I’ve been a little lonely here, and clinging to FB. It will be nice to invest more time here. There are such dynamic writer’s and giants in the faith with overflowing inspiration (like you!). I’ve been lazy about connecting my FB community to WP. I’ve made it too easy for them not to subscribe. I’m learning. It’s a journey. But God sure has made this decision clear! And I’m glad we’re in it together.

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  6. Annie, It’s funny you should talk about this now. I have been experiencing something similar through television. Even though I am selective about what I watch, there is always a woke, political agenda! It gets so frustrating and depressing! Last night, while sitting with a very sick friend, I watched several episodes of “Little House on the Prarie”. It was so refreshing to watch a wholesome TV show! I had not seen that show in years. The things of this world can become very burdensome and staying immersed in them can be overwhelming. So I get your escape from social media. I will see if an escape from current television will help me deal better with the current state of the world we live in. I’m tired of the woke agenda, the infiltration of the new age, and all the many ways the world has changed just in my lifetime. I support you in your “break”, just don’t stop blogging! Love you, Cindy

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    1. Aw, thanks, Cindy! ❤
      No, I have no intention to quit blogging any time soon. Most of the blogs I follow and most of my followers are coming from a Christian world view, so the hours I spend dialoguing with them (you) tends to reinforce good things. I stopped watching the mainstream news a long time ago. Those messages seem to seep into our days enough without deliberately turning them on. I'm getting back into the habit of walking, which I got out of after our little dog died. I am enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, meeting neighbors, and getting in a lot of prayer at a time when I can't easily doze off. 😉
      Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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    1. I’m getting off Facebook, not WordPress, Russ, so as for blogging, I’m not going anywhere. (See my response to Cindy.)
      Sounds like you went on a good Lenten fast. I gave up social media for 40 days once, but I didn’t think of it until after Lent. But during that I got a lot done on the book I was writing – more than in the whole year before that.


  7. Relax and enjoy, Annie! I’ve been on a hiatus for a while now for much of the same reasons. And I quit Facebook 2 years ago because I just couldn’t take vitriol anymore. It breaks my heart to see those who call themselves Christians behaving this way and dishonoring Christ and the His people so I had to bow out. Blessings to you, sister. 💕🤗

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    1. I appreciate the sentiment, Oneta, but I’m not taking a break from blogging. Most of the bloggers I follow and most of my followers are coming from a Christian world view, so the hours I spend here on WordPress are actually pretty edifying. I’m just taking a break from the venom on social media. You bloggers are stuck with me for now. 😉


      1. So I’ll be watching for you. I also am on Facebook. It seems to me that the difference is that when we take a stand on some issue on the blog, we have the opportunity to explain our reasons, on FB the points made seem rather harsh because of their shortness. I’ll see you.

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  8. Annie, your wisdom is seeping through to others by sharing your decision. I made the choice, years ago, to be dormant on FB. I’m prone to becoming toxic (in my thoughts) if I spend any time on that platform therefore I don’t. WordPress has been the opposite it’s refreshing and encouraging, and people are genuinely kind. May you be filled to overflowing with peace and joy during this break––blessings.

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    1. Thanks, Manette. I haven’t decided whether I’m going to stay off Facebook. I do see some nice things there – my daughter posts sweet pictures of my grandchildren and relates funny stories about the things they say. There are also some Chrisian groups that add something positive. That’s what I want to do – contribute something that blesses people and makes their day better .. so, yeah, I probably will go back. This 40 days is partly to make sure I’m not addicted. So far, it doesn’t look as though I am – no withdrawal symptoms. 😉

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      1. I agree with all you mention about the good that is mixed in. I too like the grandchildren photos. So, I keep my account and don’t login other than to see the precious photos when they share something, fortunately it is very limited (a few times per year). Most would find it strange to get a text like, “Mom, we’re at the hospital. Check FB for the details.” It works for me. I’m logged out unless given a heads up reason to log-in for a family update.

        I don’t struggle with the typical addiction problem. Mine is more trigger related, I become nasty toxic in my thinking downcast, critical, or judgemental of other people or myself. Then the shame and guilt hits me and I disdain myself. The solution has been to stay away from FB and talk with people in person. Today, I went on a picnic with a young mom and her son. Later went to my grandchildren’s spring concert in-person real events. Both were good things without the ugliness in my mind.

        Blessings to you and all others who use the tool of FB for righteousness and good.

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  9. I’m very blessed by those from whom I hear on social media. Rarely does anyone use the platform as a soapbox for venting their opinions and feelings. You are wise to step back from the mayhem, Annie, and your reasons why make perfect sense!

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    1. I have seen a lot of positive things, too, Nancy, and I try to add something positive, which is why I am probably not signing off permanently. I admit it’s also partly because of my addictive nature that I need to refrain – for the self-discipline of it.

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  10. Bless you. Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to rest and pray. Entering into his rest and presence adds renewed energy and life for the work ahead. There are times when it is sensible to switch off the distractions and listen in stillness. Bless you. 🙏🏾

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