Amazing What God Can Do with a Couple of Innocent Sneezes…

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

People who are unfamiliar with the power of prayer might think of it as a dull, monotonous activity. I know I did at one time. But lately I have seen answers to my daily prayers that have added more excitement to my life than I ever expected to see at my age. The following is an email I received from a dear friend who is a pastor in another country. I had received word that he had been hospitalized with Covid and had asked every prayer warrior I knew to intercede with me for him.

As it turned out, he didn’t have Covid at all, but something much more interesting had been happening. Here is the story, in his words:

“Respected servant of God,

Greetings to you in His Holy name! Thank you so much for your love, care, and concerns and prayer supports. Thank you SO MUCH> Let me write in detail on how I got into the COVID Hospital. It is indeed interesting but God’s Plan.

On 23rd March 2021, I was returning from a mission field by local transportation after the baptism program, I twice had sneezing. I had a mask on my face and no fever, no cold nothing. I was talking and sharing the Gospel. When I sneezed twice, the three people that were seating in our front seat though their faces were towards the front side, created a problem. Since I was sharing the Gospel with my neighbor but they were listening to me very keenly. And I am sure, they too heard the Gospel. But I didn’t know that they belonged to [a fanatical group from another religion]. So, they started arguing with me saying: “The god Jesus you were talking about is a foreign god, you people are forcefully converting other faith people and making them Christian….etc”. But very politely I told them, “I am sharing the Gospel which is the real story that happened in the history of mankind. It is my duty to share the Gospel, but it is the hearer’s responsibility to accept the Gospel or reject the Gospel.” But in order to bring some allegation upon me, they slowly led the argument towards my sneezing. Finally, they put an allegation saying that you are a coronavirus patient. I said, I am not. But they tried their best to put me into trouble. Early morning, I arrived home, but without my knowledge someone was following me. And those three people informed the police that I am affected by the coronavirus. So, on 24th March 2021, around 3 PM, one man came and took me to the nearby hospital to have a covid test. Then I came back home. The hospital people told me to collect the report by 8PM. I was getting ready to go for the same, again the same people reached my home and said, you are tested covid positive and you have to go to the covid hospital. Without giving me a report, they simply said, I am tested covid positive and they forcefully took me to the hospital by an ambulance. I was in the hospital till 31st March 2021, but they didn’t give me a single medicine because I didn’t have any cough, cold or fever. I was discharged from the hospital on 31st March 2021 evening, but they again took me to an isolated place for quarantine. They asked me to be there for a week but they released me from there yesterday and again they have asked me to be at home quarantine for a week.

This is nothing but a game played by those three people who were seated in front of our seat. They wanted their best to do some harm for me but God protected me from their hand. It was their plan and game to put me into corona hospital. Moreover, since last year, I think I must have told you that, police department and medical department in [that country] play a politics with corona cases. They simply take people in the name of a corona positive case; they enter the patient’s name in the hospital register book, keep them for a few days and leave them. The more numbers, the more money they get from the government. And by doing this, they get more money illegally. But I thank God for this incident. Though those three people out of anger they put me into the covid hospital, God used me to share the Gospel with more than 150 people inside the hospital and more than 80 people I offered prayer in the Name of Jesus upon their request. Even, when I was in quarantine, I spent my time in prayer, particularly praying for those people whom I shared the Gospel and offered prayer. I strongly believe that God would bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. Some of them have taken my mobile number and I have asked them to call me if they need to hear more about Jesus.

So, this is the story. The enemies of the Gospel are active in their work when we are active in sharing the Gospel.

[He goes on to (again) thank everyone who prayed for him and tell about the books he was reading in the hospital, including my book BARRIERS – which he read three more times ( ❤ ) and requested I send more copies. (!) – So, I get to be part of this incredible ministry!

Pretty boring, huh? 😉

Prayer: Lord, Your enemies are no match for You. You are the most powerful (You created the universe.), the wisest (You outwit all Your enemies.), and the most loving (You gave Your life to pay for our sins.) We are so blessed to have the God of the universe on our side! Thank You, Jesus! Amen

46 thoughts on “Amazing What God Can Do with a Couple of Innocent Sneezes…

  1. Our God is creatively willing to put us through some strange pangs to reach others…I cherish stories like this Ann. He does make the enemies of the Gospel look foolish and even draws some of them to himself. True Love.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Hi Annie, there are times when the demonstrations of God’s faithfulness brings us to our knees and this would be one of them. Sometimes we are totally clueless as to what God is doing in the background that we are not even remotely aware of. Thank you for sharing this, this is definitely a lifter upper! Blessings!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I learned later how my friend managed to talk to so many people in “isolation.” The doctors would make their rounds in the morning, taking temperatures and blood pressure and giving meds – then be gone for the rest of the day – maybe not wanting to spend any more time with Covid patients -, so the pastor was free to go from room to room, telling people about Jesus, and (I assume) writing down their names so he could pray for each person when he was alone. It reminded me of Corrie and Betsie Ten Boom in the concentration camp, how the guards didn’t want to come into the barracks because of the fleas, and the women were able to have a Bible study every night!

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    1. Yes, it IS both encouraging and disturbing. The next day I got a prayer request from one of the prayer groups I belong to, asking for prayer for that country, where the Covid cases are allegedly skyrocketing. I confess I laughed, thinking ( hoping) maybe it was just the number of Christians sharing the Gospel that had actually skyrocketed. 😏

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  3. Powerful testimony, Annie! Especially how he continued reaching for the lost where ever Father placed him. So now I have to ask myself, when someone treats me badly in a store or in any exchange, how should I respond? With anger or self-justification (especially if I AM in the right!?) Or as this saint, with courteous boldness, but with compassion for the deceived?
    “Lord, forgive me for listening to the news and getting bitter and angry at the lost, forgetting that these are people who are deceived by the enemy of their souls.” (gavin duerson)
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I love to hear about answered prayers. We have no idea what God is up to and how He’ll work it all out to His glory. The enemies of God are so foolish to think they can outsmart or outmanuever Him. This was so wonderful to hear how God can use his people whether they are in the hospital, in quarantine or even in prison. You can’t stop the flow of Truth. We must remember this when things get so bad wherever we’re sequestered that there is Power in prayer and sharing the Gospel. They go hand in hand.
    “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16


      1. Yes, it is a great chapter. I had read that one of the bloggers I subscribe to has memorized that chapter and has started on Psalm 37. Memorizing scripture are the arrows in our quiver. 🙏

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  5. May I ask what country that was in? I’m assuming the preacher is native to this country because the writing is not in perfect English (which had me slightly worried about this being actually written by who you think it was).

    This is an amazing story. I did not think the goal of these 3 men was to get him infected but to “take him off the streets” so he cannot share the Word with others. I didn’t realize that he would be able to do so at the hospital. But, the solitary confinement quarantine shows perfectly what their plan was. I’m glad to hear that it wasn’t all for naught.

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    1. No, Goldie, he is not American, but native to the country where he’s sharing the gospel. I have been corresponding with him for years, and have seen photos of him and the pastors he’s teaching, holding up the Bibles and copies of my book I have sent them.
      If you think you’d be interested in supporting him with prayer and/or finances, email me at and I’ll send you his contact info. But here I’m not giving his name, country, or the radical religious group that tried to stop him, for his protection.

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