Quick Question

Dear readers,

I have written my first children’s book! From Grumpy to Grateful is a story about how one little boy learned to be thankful. I was hoping to get it published by Thanksgiving, but for various reasons (Covid being the least of them) I am now hoping it will be available by NEXT Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, I would love to give a sneak preview of the manuscript to my readers, especially those of you who have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors, and/or students who like to read or be read to. From Grumpy to Grateful is a “chapter book,” with five chapters, so it is considerably longer than my usual posts, which I try to keep under 1000 words.

My question(s) for you: (Would you like to read it?) Would it be best for me to (a.) divide the story into five “bite-sized pieces” the length of my usual posts, spaced a few days apart between now and Thanksgiving, (b) post one installment daily Thanksgiving week, or (c) post the whole thing in one long post between now and Thanksgiving so you can read it in one sitting?

Thanks for your input. I don’t take for granted the time you spend reading and commenting on my posts.



53 thoughts on “Quick Question

  1. Congratulations on writing the book ! I would enjoy reading it in five consecutive posts.

    I love the title ! This should be the transformation experience of all Christians. 😄

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Of course, I’d like to read it. It’s meant to be a kid’s book, but knowing you – we can all learn from it.
    I think 5 chapters at once might be overwhelming.
    Doing 5 installments between now and Thanksgiving would definitely work.
    But, posting it as a part of the “Thanksgiving Week” would probably make the most sense with the culmination on Thanksgiving itself (Sunday to Thursday).
    Stay golden!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome and sounds like the perfect subject for kids to sit down and read about. With a little assist from the Holy Spirit, you might really change some hearts. As for your question, I would probably be more likely to read it if it were broken up into installments.

    But again… big congratulations to you.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Then my humble suggestions to include one good quality photo that supports your them for each installment. You are shooting for children’s imagination and as they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

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  4. I’m looking forward to reading it, however you want to share it. You are an excellent writer. I have a 7-year-old great-grandson I would love to read it to. ❤

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  5. Hi, Annie. I don’t seem to be quite as diligent with keeping up with posts as your other faithful followers. LOL. (Kudos to you guys. :))

    Are you looking for feedback? Are you still revising, or is it done and ready to publish? If you’re still open to changes and want feedback on the story, feel free to email me (saralivingfree.everyday@gmail.com), and I’ll give it a read through and offer any insight that comes to mind.

    Also… congrats on your publication plans! That’s very exciting, even if delayed for a while. God’s timing is always perfect, anyway, even when it doesn’t line up with our original plans. 🙂

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